Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's been an interesting few days. Yesterday was Rony's graduation dinner. For it being the military you would think they would have a more organized buffet, but noo! I really think that's just my "chef table attendant" side talking, but whatev. Today was his graduation, and we thought that right after that we would have about 5 minutes with him before he got on his plane to Colorado, but luckily that wasn't the case. Turns out back in week 4 he witnessed a drill Sergeant assault a soldier and they never got it sorted out, so his still part of the "investigation" and can't leave until that's taken care of, which should be tomorrow. He's being deployed in August I believe and everyones really worried about him but for some reason I'm not. I really think he's going to be fine. I don't know why.. it's just a feeling i have.
I've never really felt like I had a "real family" especially after my mom died, until I met Brandon and his family and got so close to him, and all of them. His mom and dad is mine, his brothers are my brothers, his niece is my niece. (not like.. in an incestuous way or anything. haha) I just really love them. I don't know how I would have ended up had I not had them there for me these last 3 years. So to see Rony up there being all military like just makes me a really proud big sister. :)
I need to go to bed though, Kroger training starts tomorrow.

I just wanna say I find something about all those guys yelling in unison really attractive. I don't know why.. lol.

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